Saturday, December 12, 2015

Skin a Deer Destroy a Phone

As you can see in the video, I'm a happy guy.  I just got my new electric hoist,  I got a deer hanging (not one I shot-- it was donated) and I have my beautiful wife in the barn with me ready to record my very first YouTube Instructional video. Unlike many other instruction videos on the web, I was going to make mine quick and to the point.  All was going well until the end of the video...   The golf ball shot out and we had to stop the shoot--- unfortunately you cannot do second takes on a project like this.   I intended to start back up after tying the ball back in the hide, but my wife had a different plan.   After laughing at my deer skinning failure (her snort is the last sound you hear before things go black),  she set my phone on the back of the truck and ran inside to check the kids.   Well... the phone took the same route as the golf ball except it didn't bounce quite as nice.  So...... what you see is what you get.  The rest of the skinning was flawless, although it happened without quite as big of a smile as the first half.

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